Hello Julian,
I've received you sample. It's pretty cool!!

In order to share the information in this community, I'd paste you
document's content here if you do not mind.
Here is a quick note to let you know that I am performing research on this
issue and will get back to you as soon as possible. I appreciate your
ChronoLator is a Word application written in VBA. It adds a toolbar to a
Word document when it opens. (In Word 2007, this is added to the Add-ins
If the Show Windows in Taskbar option is off and you open two ChronoLator
documents, only the first one displays a toolbar (in 2007, no Add-Ins tab
appears). If it is on, both do.
This behaviour was first discovered when testing Word 2007, but is also
reproducible in XP & 2003.
Investigation showed that the cause is that the function BWordToolbarExists
returns True in the first case, False in the latter. This is because of
this line of code in the procedure which adds the toolbar:
If BWordToolbarExists(c8Name, ThisDocument) Then Exit Function
' can happen if user is impatient and tries to open document twice from
This document can be used to illustrate the root cause of the problem as
1. Make a copy of this document;
2. Set Show Windows in Taskbar off;
3. Open this document:
4. Open the copy:
5. Open the VBA IDE and look at the Immediate window. It will show
something like:
Bug12 addins tab.doc: False
Copy of Bug12 addins tab.doc: True
6. Close both documents.
7. Set Show Windows in Taskbar on;
8. Open this document:
9. Open the copy:
10. Open the VBA IDE and look at the Immediate window. It will show
something like:
Bug12 addins tab.doc: False
Copy of Bug12 addins tab.doc: False
Root cause - a Word bug / documentation requirement?
It is reasonable to expect that setting the CustomizationContext to a
particular document (eg ThisDocument) when adding a toolbar would mean that
when iterating though ThisDocument.CommandBars you could potentially find a
different set of toolbars to those in 'AnotherDocument'.CommandBars.
However, when Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = True, the
Document.CommandBars collection seems to ignore the CustomizationContext
and includes ALL command bars in ALL open documents.
It seems unlikely that this behaviour is intended - there is no obvious
link between CustomizationContext and the ShowWindowsInTaskbar option, and
this looks like an undesired side-effect. However, if it is intended it
should be documented somewhere - probably under the CommandBars
VBA code in this document
Public Sub AutoOpen()
Dim myToolbar As CommandBar
Dim myButton As CommandBarButton
CustomizationContext = ActiveDocument
Debug.Print ThisDocument.Name & ": " & BWordToolbarExists("testTB",
Set myToolbar = CommandBars.Add("testTB", msoBarTop, False, True)
Set myButton = myToolbar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
With myButton
.FaceId = 161
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = "myButtonCaption"
.TooltipText = "myButtonToolTip"
.OnAction = "myButtonAction"
End With
myToolbar.Visible = True
ThisDocument.Saved = True 'adding bars dirties the doc
End Sub
Sub myButtonAction()
MsgBox "Executing in document <" & ThisDocument.Name & "> "
End Sub
Public Function BWordToolbarExists(xName As String, xDoc As Document) As
Dim out As Boolean
Dim tb As CommandBar
out = False
For Each tb In xDoc.CommandBars
If tb.Name = xName Then
out = True
Exit For
End If
Next tb
BWordToolbarExists = out
End Function
Jialiang Ge (
[email protected], remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support
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