Add page breaks after a certain number of cells in a column meet acondition



I'm trying to insert a page break after a certain number (26) of
cells, with length >=21, is exceeded
I've grabbed snippets of code from here and there but can't get it to
Any help would be appreciated


Sub InsertPageBreak()
'insert a page break after the count of cells in column 1 with a
defined length (>=21 by default) is exceeded (26 is the default count
to trigger a page insert)

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim CountOfItems As Long
CountOfItems = 0

Call PageBreaksHorizontalRemove

lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = lr To 6 Step -1
'For i = 6 To lr Step 1
If Len(Cells(i, 1)) >= 21 Then CountOfItems = CountOfItems + 1
If CountOfItems = 26 Then
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=ActiveCell
If CountOfItems = 26 Then CountOfItems = 0

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Sub PageBreaksHorizontalRemove()
'Remove all horizontal pagebreaks in active sheet
Dim pb As HPageBreak
Dim lCount As Long

For lCount = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count To 1 Step -1
Set pb = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks(lCount)
If pb.Type = xlPageBreakManual Then pb.Delete
Next lCount

End Sub

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