Add pecent and value on the same graph



I would like to add the percent and the value and display
it within a pie chart.

Thanks for your help.

Debra Dalgleish

You can calculate the percentages on the worksheet, and use a formula to
create the labels. For example, with the following data in in A1:B3 --

Jan 25
Feb 25
Mar 50

Enter the following formula in cell C1, and copy down to C3:

To calculate the text for the pie chart labels, enter the following
formula in cell D1, and copy down to D3:
=B1 & " " & TEXT(C1,"0%")

When you create the pie chart, in step 2 of the Chart Wizard, click on
the Series tab. Click in the Category Labels box, and then select cells
D1:D3 on the worksheet.

In step 3, choose Show Label on the Data Labels tab.

Tushar Mehta

In addition to Debra's suggestion, XL2003 (and XP?) have that
capability built-in. Double-click the plotted pie, then select the
Data Labels tab. Select one or *more* of the options as well as the
desired seperator.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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