Add PivotItems to PivotTable / Enabling - Disabling PivotItems



Hi there,

is there any way to change the visibility - state of PivotItems AT
With an "Offline OLAP - Cube" this is possible.

I'would like to know, if there's some funcionality for "PivotTables",

I present some SAP - Data within this pivottable and want to give the
users the possibility to change product groups. These groups control,
what PivotItems are visible and what aren't.

By now, i have to refresh row by row. So i fear my users will suffer
epilepsy, since the screen is flickering horrendously.

With Olap cubes, i had to:

= _
Array(new_items_helper, new_items_cube_list)

and the update process went by as smooth as opening a blank word

Is there a TreeViewControl for the PivotFields, too, that allows one
to set the state of multiple PivotItems at once ?

Greetings and excuse this bad english,
Ole V.-M.

Tom Ogilvy

To the best of my knowledge, no. I can't say for xl2002 - perhaps something
was added.

Tom Ogilvy

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