ADD records to Table from a Form



been a while since I've done forms so need some guidance.
I have a form base on a query, which show's what I want.
Now I want to add this to my table. But don't remember. My
query gives me those records that are not in my table. So
I created the form on that query. So once I add the
records to the table, then when I open the form, it should
be empty since records are already added to the table.
Hope I'm clear if not let me know. Appreciate all the help.


John Vinson

been a while since I've done forms so need some guidance.
I have a form base on a query, which show's what I want.
Now I want to add this to my table. But don't remember. My
query gives me those records that are not in my table. So
I created the form on that query. So once I add the
records to the table, then when I open the form, it should
be empty since records are already added to the table.
Hope I'm clear if not let me know. Appreciate all the help.


I think you have things backwards.

A Query is just a way of selecting and viewing records from a Table.
It has NO independent existance; you cannot add records "to a Query"
without adding them to the underlying table. Many queries are
updateable; if you base a Form on an updateable query, then adding a
record on the Form will add the record to the underlying table, and
(unless you have criteria which would prevent that record from being
included in the query) you should see the new record on the form.

Could you post the SQL view of the Query, and/or the Recordsource
property of the Form?


Hello John,
k Think I'm getting it. Here's what I have:
My Query
Field1 Field 2 field3
table1 table2 table2
groupby groupby groupby
criteria is null
So I base a form based on this so the form will show me
those records not on talbe2 which is fine. So I want to
add those records to table2. So I added a button that will
open another form which is based on Table2. So I think
this should do. Question in my form to add records. I want
to add a combo box so when I select an item from here, it
will fill the other fields. Example. I have field
FCODE2 so when I select BC1 from here the other field
PROD_FAM should fill in BCTEST and so forth.
Any ideas.
Thanks for looking into this.
-----Original Message-----

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