Add resources to a running project.



Add resources to a running project.

I use MS Project 2003 to plan the work of a team of developers and
predict when projects will be ready. Each team member is a single
resource. Before starting a project some resources are assigned to it.
Let's say I start a project on march 1st, with 4 people (resources)
assigned on it. March 8th is decided to speed things up by assigning 2
more resources to the project. Now MS Project recalculates the whole
project, based on start date march 1st, with 6 resources assigned to
it. That, of course, gives me an incorrect project length and end
Also, the other way around, when a resource is removed from a project,
the whole project is recalculated as if it's done without that
resource. Imagine what will happen if you have a project with 2
resources working on it for several months, and you decide the last
week of the job can be done by just one...

In short: is there any way to specify a date on which a single
resource starts/stops working on a running project?

I've done a lot of 'googling' but couldn't find a solution. Perhaps
because of that english isn't my native language (as if you didn't
notice that...) so I don't know the right keywords to look for exactly.

It's hard to believe I'm the only one with this problem. I must be
missing something obvious, so I'm prepared to feel very stupid :)

Thanks in advance,



In the task usage view, double click on the resource and you can change the
start and finish of that resource. This might change your duration depending
on what your task type is.



Jan De Messemaeker

Dag Ad,

First, if you prefer having this discussion in Dutch, you can post on

This being said, in this NG I'll reply in English.

First, let's try to agree on vocabulary.
Adding resoruces to a Project does nothing to the schedule. Nothing.
Adding resources to individual tasks does.
So first of all, you can decide on whoich taks your additional resources
participate, and on which ones they won't. Tasks being planned in the future
may use these resoruces fully and the new duration will be correct.
What about tasks that start before the new resources come into play?
The best way to run that in Project is to tell Project the task is done up
to the day the new resoruces come in. Then when yopu add or subtract the
resource, new duration will only be recalculated for the uncompleted part of
the work. After that, reset the task to 0% complete if necessary; the wrk
profile will still remain the one you need.

Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:

Mike Glen

Hi K,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You need to update your project first and then reschedule from today's date.
You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #26 on progressing, at this site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Thanks people, I tried all suggestions and I it looks like I've got it
working. I will do some more serious testing this and next week.
I overlooked, so when I would like
additional help I will post my request there.

Thanks again.


You're welcome

Please post again - your english is fine. It is the 'MS Project language'
which is usually difficult to grasp.


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