I have been searching the web for any articles on the about subject but
can't seem to find this scenario. I have a Project Server 2003 box
with Windows Sharepoint integrated and they want me to add Sharepoint
Portal 2003 to the same server. I found the KB that talks about
installing them on the same box (KB840701) but that talks about
installing SPS first which is obviously not possible on an existing
Project Server. I also found an article on installing SPS on a server
that already has WSS but it does not talk about Project Server already
being installed and how that integration works. Can anyone point me in
the right direction on doing this?
I have been searching the web for any articles on the about subject but
can't seem to find this scenario. I have a Project Server 2003 box
with Windows Sharepoint integrated and they want me to add Sharepoint
Portal 2003 to the same server. I found the KB that talks about
installing them on the same box (KB840701) but that talks about
installing SPS first which is obviously not possible on an existing
Project Server. I also found an article on installing SPS on a server
that already has WSS but it does not talk about Project Server already
being installed and how that integration works. Can anyone point me in
the right direction on doing this?