Add shortcut instead of file to Email with Macro


Richard Pieri

I have the following code where a macro in an excel
spreadsheet saves the current file then attaches a copy
of it to a e-mail. I would like it to now add an
attachment to the file instead of a copy of the file, in
the body of the email.

Thank you in advance

Here is my code

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Dim oOLapp As Object
Dim oMailItem As Object
Set oOLapp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMailItem = oOLapp.CreateItem(0)
With oMailItem

.Attachments.Add "\\Simba\CSHARE\Employee Forms\Sales
Log sheets\NHS\Co#4 NHS Daily sales log.xls"
.Subject = "Co#4 NHS Daily sales log for Review"
.Body = "Here are Yesterday's Sales"
.Recipients.Add "Joseph Calabrese"
.Recipients.Add "Larry Schreiber"
.Recipients.Add "Craig Schreiber"
.Recipients.Add "Joe Hurley"
.Recipients.Add "Rich Pieri"
.Display '(or .Send if you don't want to look at it
Set oOLapp = Nothing
Set oMailItem = Nothing
End With

Application.Visible = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub