Add Table Column


Don Bouchard

Is it possible to add the numbers in a table column to show the total at the
bottom of the column?


Hi Don,

You could insert a SUM(ABOVE) field, but this doesn't work reliably if there are empty cells amongst those that you want to add. The
simplest way to do this is to select the cell where you want the sum to go, press Ctrl-F9 to create an empty field, then type
'=SUM(ABOVE)' between the field braces, thus: {=SUM(ABOVE)}. When you're done, press F9 to update. Do note that, if you change any
values, the result won't update immediately - you'll need to select the field and press F9, or preview or print the document.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I was afraid of that. In previous versions, it's Table | Formula (grabbing
the default SUM(ABOVE) formula), but in Word 2007 you have to approach it
differently (through Table Tools | Layout | Data | Formula). I believe
another reply to your question provided more details on that.

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