My data base is for my appliance repair company with customer repair details.
I've been able to list all records by using the outer join but when I try
and open the report I get a "INVALID USE OF NULL" I know this is because a
field is empty,
it is the extended price field !
How can I ask it to display £0.00 if empty?
Use the NZ() function to convert the Null (empty) field to 0. E.g.
SELECT Repairs.LastName, Repairs.Address, Repairs.City, Repairs.County,
Repairs.PostalCode, Repairs.Appliance, Repairs.[Model No], Repairs.HomePhone,
CCur(NZ(Products.UnitPrice,0) * NZ([Quantity], 0) * (1-NZ([Discount],
1))/100)*100 AS ExtendedPrice,
[repair details].ProductID, Repairs.RepairsID, [repair details].UnitPrice,
[repair details].Quantity, [repair details].Discount, Products.ProductName,
fee.Fee, Repairs.Manufacturer, Products.PartNo, Repairs.[Techicians Report],
Repairs.[Acion Taken], Repairs.Fault, Repairs.Recieved,
Repairs.DateCompleted, Repairs.RepairType, Customers.CompanyName,
FROM (Products RIGHT JOIN (fee INNER JOIN ([repair details] RIGHT JOIN
Repairs ON [repair details].[Repairs Id]=Repairs.RepairsID) ON
fee.RepairsID=Repairs.RepairsID) ON Products.ProductID=[repair
details].ProductID) LEFT JOIN (Customers RIGHT JOIN [Repair Type] ON
Customers.CompanyName=[Repair Type].[INVOICE TO]) ON
Repairs.RepairType=[Repair Type].TypeID;