Add Text to Shape



I have the following code (from Tom Ogilvy) that I'm using to put certain
text into a shape; however, cannot figure out how to modify this to
accommodate a range of cells (like S10:U45) versus just one cell. Tried
using a range name also, but that doesn't work. Can someone help me
understand how to do this please?

Dim shp As Shape
Set shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes("Rectangle 1")
sText = Range("A249").Text
shp.TextFrame.Characters.Text = sText

Rick Rothstein

Exactly what are you trying to accomplish? Do you have a shape for each one
of the cells in the range and want to assign one cell's text to one shape?
Or do you want to concatenate text in all the cells in the range and put
that into your single shape? If so, how do you want it concatenated... by
rows first, by columns first or as you see it? If none of the above, then

Patrick Molloy


i couldn't do it WITH an object

try this

Selection.Characters.Text = Range("B2")

Patrick Molloy
(ex MVP)

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure if the problem you're having is the concatenation of those values
or if the string is too long when you try to plop it into the rectangle.

But this may give you an idea:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim shp As Shape
Dim sText As String
Dim mySubStr As String
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim iCtr As Long

With ActiveSheet
Set shp = .Shapes("Rectangle 1")
Set myRng = .Range("s10:u45")

sText = ""
For Each myCell In myRng.Cells
sText = sText & " " & myCell.Text
Next myCell

If Len(sText) > 0 Then
sText = Mid(sText, 2)
End If

iCtr = 1
Do While iCtr < Len(sText)
mySubStr = Mid(sText, iCtr, 250)
shp.TextFrame.Characters(iCtr).Insert String:=mySubStr
iCtr = iCtr + 250

End With
End Sub


Sorry I didn't explain myself well enough here. Am actually trying to insert
a small table into the shape; the table spans 3 columns and 5 rows.

Dave Peterson


Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim shp As Shape
Dim sText As String
Dim sLine As String
Dim mySubStr As String
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myRow As Range
Dim iCtr As Long

With ActiveSheet
Set shp = .Shapes("Rectangle 1")
Set myRng = .Range("s10:u45")

sText = ""
For Each myRow In myRng.Rows
sLine = ""
For Each myCell In myRow.Cells
sLine = sLine & " " & myCell.Text
Next myCell
sText = sText & Mid(sLine, 2) & vbLf
Next myRow

iCtr = 1
Do While iCtr < Len(sText)
mySubStr = Mid(sText, iCtr, 250)
shp.TextFrame.Characters(iCtr).Insert String:=mySubStr
iCtr = iCtr + 250

End With
End Sub


It is just a range of cells, like A1:B4 below:
Col A Col B
Row 1 Code Name
Row 2 T2 Smith and Jones
Row 3 T4 Wilson
Row 4 T5 Johnson and Team

Tried the code below, but no luck. What is happening is that data is
downloaded from a database each time the user uses the form, and this data
populates the range above with a code and name. So I need the shape to be
dynamic and always reference what is in that range. Am calling the shape
each time the user selects a cell in a specific column of another tab, via

Dave Peterson said:

Option Explicit
Sub testme()

Dim shp As Shape
Dim sText As String
Dim sLine As String
Dim mySubStr As String
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myRow As Range
Dim iCtr As Long

With ActiveSheet
Set shp = .Shapes("Rectangle 1")
Set myRng = .Range("s10:u45")

sText = ""
For Each myRow In myRng.Rows
sLine = ""
For Each myCell In myRow.Cells
sLine = sLine & " " & myCell.Text
Next myCell
sText = sText & Mid(sLine, 2) & vbLf
Next myRow

iCtr = 1
Do While iCtr < Len(sText)
mySubStr = Mid(sText, iCtr, 250)
shp.TextFrame.Characters(iCtr).Insert String:=mySubStr
iCtr = iCtr + 250

End With
End Sub

Dave Peterson

What was wrong with the code?

How did you change it?
It is just a range of cells, like A1:B4 below:
Col A Col B
Row 1 Code Name
Row 2 T2 Smith and Jones
Row 3 T4 Wilson
Row 4 T5 Johnson and Team

Tried the code below, but no luck. What is happening is that data is
downloaded from a database each time the user uses the form, and this data
populates the range above with a code and name. So I need the shape to be
dynamic and always reference what is in that range. Am calling the shape
each time the user selects a cell in a specific column of another tab, via


Sorry to be such a pain, Dave; thanks for your patience. I played around
with it some more this morning and got it to pop up, with the code below. So
only 2 more questions: How do I get it to automatically adjust in size to
fit the contents, since the # of rows (but not the # of columns) may
contract/expand - one time it could be 5 rows, another time 8 rows, etc.
Also, since this will be part of worksheet_selectionchange, is there anything
special needed in order to anchor it to the selected cell (meaning, I just
want it to come up right by the selected cell)?

Sub testme()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim sText As String
Dim sLine As String
Dim mySubStr As String
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myRow As Range
Dim iCtr As Long
Dim Box308 As Shape

With ActiveSheet
Set shp = .shapes("Rectangle 308")
Set myRng = Worksheets("Tables for Pop-Ups").Range("O45:Q55")
sText = ""
For Each myRow In myRng.Rows
sLine = ""
For Each myCell In myRow.Cells
sLine = sLine & " " & myCell.Text
Next myCell
sText = sText & Mid(sLine, 2) & vbLf
Next myRow

iCtr = 1
Do While iCtr < Len(sText)
mySubStr = Mid(sText, iCtr, 250)
shp.TextFrame.Characters(iCtr).Insert String:=mySubStr
iCtr = iCtr + 250
shp.Visible = True
End With

End Sub

Dave Peterson said:
What was wrong with the code?

How did you change it?

Dave Peterson

You may be able to count the number of rows that you need and do some arithmetic
to determine the rectangle's height. I'm sure it would entail some trial and

You can position it with something like:

With ActiveSheet
Set shp = .Shapes("Rectangle 1")

With shp
.Top = ActiveCell.Top
.Left = ActiveCell.Left + ActiveCell.Width
End With

You may want to reconsider using a rectangle and use a listbox (from either the
Forms toolbar or from the Control toolbox toolbar) or even a textbox from the
control toolbox toolbar.

Sorry to be such a pain, Dave; thanks for your patience. I played around
with it some more this morning and got it to pop up, with the code below. So
only 2 more questions: How do I get it to automatically adjust in size to
fit the contents, since the # of rows (but not the # of columns) may
contract/expand - one time it could be 5 rows, another time 8 rows, etc.
Also, since this will be part of worksheet_selectionchange, is there anything
special needed in order to anchor it to the selected cell (meaning, I just
want it to come up right by the selected cell)?

Sub testme()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim sText As String
Dim sLine As String
Dim mySubStr As String
Dim myCell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim myRow As Range
Dim iCtr As Long
Dim Box308 As Shape

With ActiveSheet
Set shp = .shapes("Rectangle 308")
Set myRng = Worksheets("Tables for Pop-Ups").Range("O45:Q55")
sText = ""
For Each myRow In myRng.Rows
sLine = ""
For Each myCell In myRow.Cells
sLine = sLine & " " & myCell.Text
Next myCell
sText = sText & Mid(sLine, 2) & vbLf
Next myRow

iCtr = 1
Do While iCtr < Len(sText)
mySubStr = Mid(sText, iCtr, 250)
shp.TextFrame.Characters(iCtr).Insert String:=mySubStr
iCtr = iCtr + 250
shp.Visible = True
End With

End Sub

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