Add this page to Nav Structure



I had my stuff running good. I made a change to one on the html docs. I
have a page that has links on it to different documents. When I click on
this link it now says:
"(Add this page to the navigation structure to display a page banner here)".

It had been fine before I made the change.
How do I do what it wants me to do?

Will this message show up if I publish it again or does it only show while I
am in FP in Preview and Normal mode? I am afraid to publish it again in
case it shows up there and I mess that up.

I don't what made it do this.



Thanks for the reply. Everything is as you said. I finally got it going.
I had to open the web and import the htm doc back into it to the folder
where they are. Had it overwrite the one that was there and it is now fine.

I don't know how it became the problem it became. It is a golf league with
18 weeks for the season. For every week I have a page for that week . On
that page I have links to the golf reports and stats for that week. There
are from 10 to 12 reports every week.

All are created from the golf software program and Saved As html file for
this reason except one. That is the one that gave me the problem. It is
created every week in Microsoft Works 7.0. using the Word Processor. I then
Save As html, htm. I don't know if that is the problem or maybe somehow when
I imported it the first time I was doing it incorrectly and didn't realize

Thanks Again,

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