I have some VBA code which takes information from checkboxes on a form
There are 10 check boxes and basicaly i want to go through a series o
if statements where:
if chkBox1 = True
array(0) = "AA"
if chkBox2 = True
array(1) = "BB"
But obviously this would only work if all check boxes were selected
how would i go about adding to the end of array no matter how man
values are already stored in it?
I was thinking something like
counter = 0
if chkBox1 = True
array(counter) = "AA"
counter = counter + 1
'do nothing
if chkBox2 = True
array(counter) = "BB"
counter = counter +1
'do nothing
But was just wondering if there was any kind of add to end of arra
function I could call?
Also, is it possible to return the length of an array? i.e how man
values are stored in it?
Thanks in advanc
There are 10 check boxes and basicaly i want to go through a series o
if statements where:
if chkBox1 = True
array(0) = "AA"
if chkBox2 = True
array(1) = "BB"
But obviously this would only work if all check boxes were selected
how would i go about adding to the end of array no matter how man
values are already stored in it?
I was thinking something like
counter = 0
if chkBox1 = True
array(counter) = "AA"
counter = counter + 1
'do nothing
if chkBox2 = True
array(counter) = "BB"
counter = counter +1
'do nothing
But was just wondering if there was any kind of add to end of arra
function I could call?
Also, is it possible to return the length of an array? i.e how man
values are stored in it?
Thanks in advanc