Add to formula to put a zero in cell


Alberta Rose

Hi. I have this formula =VLOOKUP($A418,'Dec 07'!$F$13:$N$2000,5,FALSE). At
the moment if there is no amount in the lookup, a #N/A is returned to my
summary sheet. Then I have to go in and delete all the #N/A's before some of
the summing will work. Is there something I can add to this formula so that
a zero is populated if nothing is found?


Dave Peterson


Or if you're using xl2007:

Alberta Rose

why is there two vlookups?

=if(isna(VLOOKUP($A418,'Dec 07'!$F$13:$N$2000,5,FALSE))

where in this string would i put the zero?

Gord Dibben

One vlookup is the if part, the other is the then part


This formula return a blank-looking cell.

If you want a zero simply change the "" to 0

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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