add up and calculate textboxes into a label




I'm trying to add up and calculate 4 textboxes into a label.

This is how it should work:

First action:
TextBox1 + TextBox2 + TextBox3 + TextBox4 = "TOTAL"

Second action:
if "TOTAL" is equal or smaler than 4.99 ==> Label1 = 0
if "TOTAL" is between 5 and 9.99 ==> Label1 = 1
if "TOTAL" is between 10 and 14.99 ==> Label1 = 2
if "TOTAL" is between 15 and 19.99 ==> Label1 = 3
if "TOTAL" is between 20 and 24.99 ==> Label1 = 4
if "TOTAL" is equal or bigger than 25 ==> Label1 = 5

I would like to put the two actions into one vba-code.

Can you please help me out?


Dick Kusleika

Peter said:
First action:
TextBox1 + TextBox2 + TextBox3 + TextBox4 = "TOTAL"

Second action:
if "TOTAL" is equal or smaler than 4.99 ==> Label1 = 0
if "TOTAL" is between 5 and 9.99 ==> Label1 = 1
if "TOTAL" is between 10 and 14.99 ==> Label1 = 2
if "TOTAL" is between 15 and 19.99 ==> Label1 = 3
if "TOTAL" is between 20 and 24.99 ==> Label1 = 4
if "TOTAL" is equal or bigger than 25 ==> Label1 = 5

Dim dTotal As Double

With Me.Controls
dTotal = CDbl(.Item("TextBox1").Text) + CDbl(.Item("TextBox2").Text)
+ CDbl(.Item("TextBox3").Text) + CDbl(.Item("TextBox4").Text)
End With

If dTotal >= 25 Then
Me.Label1.Caption = 5
ElseIf dTotal < 0 Then
Me.Label1.Caption = 1
Me.Label1.Caption = Round((dTotal / 5) - 0.5)
End If

David Hepner

You will have to use this code with some type of event procedure.

Dim total As Long

total = TextBox1.Value + TextBox2.Value + TextBox3.Value + TextBox4.Value

If total <= 4.99 Then Label1.Caption = 0
If total >= 5 And total < 10 Then Label1.Caption = 1
If total >= 10 And total < 15 Then Label1.Caption = 2
If total >= 15 And total < 20 Then Label1.Caption = 3
If total >= 20 And total < 25 Then Label1.Caption = 4
If total >= 25 Then Label1.Caption = 5

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