add VB6 Clipboard object


John A Grandy

in VB6 there is a Clipboard object which makes it possible to load the
Windows Clipboard programmatically ....

..... i can't figure out a way to make this functionality available within
Excel ....

Tom Ogilvy

Never done it, but you would have to build a dll in VB6 with the object
include I believe. Rob Bovey has related information on this in the past
(no on the clibboard object - but this type of approach in general). You
can search the archives for his postings.

Some may suggest the dataobject in vba or Chip Pearson's page on this, but
this is for text only.

You might be able to do something with the windows API - again, not
something I have done.

Tom Ogilvy

John A Grandy

I'm thinking there has got to be a library which if referenced will provide
the functionality. But a VB6 DLL is probably easy to write. I'll do that

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