AddAddress only to Personal addressbook?


Bo Hansson

I'm still confused about the AddAddress method. Using it with Office 2003
under Windows XP, I can add addresses to the Personal Addressbook.
Is that the only target available?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Bo,
I'm still confused about the AddAddress method. Using it with Office 2003
under Windows XP, I can add addresses to the Personal Addressbook.
Is that the only target available?
It's been years since I tried working with AddAddress, mostly because it
wasn't very reliable (and therefore not particularly useful). It was
introduced in Office 97, back when Outlook was new, and as far as I know has
never been revised. I believe it does, like mail merge, work only with the
current, personal address book, yes.

You may find you need to automate the Outlook/Exchange object model directly
to achieve whatever you're trying to do.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Bo Hansson

Thanks Cindy, at last someone who had something to say about my problem. I
fully agree - it isn't particularly useful!

/Bosse H

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Bo,
at last someone who had something to say about my problem.
Yeah, well, most people are reluctant to say "you can't do
it", because often enough, someone comes along who shows how
you can :) If you have to wait for a few days for an
answer, chances are, when you finally get one it will be
negative. Not always - the exception proves the rule!

Cindy Meister

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