Adding 2 to 8 minutes at random on new appointments



I am using Outlook 2007 and I also sync it to my blackberry using Rim's
Desktop manager v4.7.

For some reason when I put in a new appointment, in Outlook, it adds 2 to 8
minutes to the appointment. So a 2:00 - 3:00 appointment would actually go
into the calendar as 1:58 - 3:00 or maybe 2:04 - 3:02. The minutes added are
always even.

Then it won't let me change the appointment. I get an error message about
it not being recurring and to close all open items. But the appoointment is
not recurring.

I have been syncing for years and never had this problem but it stated about
20-days ago. I've tried deleting all the data and reloading.


Robb - did you ever get an answer to this? This is happening to me too, but
not when synching, just when i put in a new appointment. same exact thing -
can't find resolution.


No - still waiting for someone to help

Lee said:
Robb - did you ever get an answer to this? This is happening to me too, but
not when synching, just when i put in a new appointment. same exact thing -
can't find resolution.


I got a response from anoter user. His text is

We've "resolved" it by disabling/uninstalling the "Anti-Spam" module from CA
Security Suite 2008. Do you happen to be running CA? While I don't know
WHY, that appears to have been the problem, at least in our case.

Hope you get it's a aggravating problem!

This worked for me as well.


Yes, I use CA. I disabled the anti spam module and things seem to be working
fine now. Thanks! Odd fix though...

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Nothing odd about it. Outlook is not adding the extra time - removing the
app that is will fix it. What's odd is why CA is even touching appointments.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

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