Excuse me for my ignorance, however I am no programmer. Someone contacted me
becuase we have a custom form created, and when they click a link on that
form, it generates an email to one of our users. They would like to include
additional addresses in teh CC field. I viewed the code behind the form and
this is what I found
Sub CommandButton1_Click
set MyItem = Application.CreateItem(0)
myitem.to = " Joe Schmoe"
myitem.subject = "Bulletin Board Meeting Notice"
myitem.Body = "This is a request for the following meeting to be displayed
on the electronic bulletin board: " & chr(10) & chr(10) & " " &
userproperties.find("MeetingTitle").value & chr(10)& chr(10)& "The meeting
will be held on: " & userproperties.find("calcdate").value & " from " &
userproperties.find("calcstarttime").value & " to " &
userproperties.find("calcendtime").value & chr(10) & Chr(10) & "The meeting
location is: Conference Room " & userproperties.find("ConfRoom").value & "."
& chr(10) & chr(10) & "Please contact " &
userproperties.find("ContactPerson").value & ", " &
userproperties.find("Division").value & ", at " &
userproperties.find("ContactPhone").value & " for more information."
item.userproperties("BulletinMessageSent").value = "True"
End Sub
My guess is that the myitem.to="Joe Schmoe" is where I want to start,
however I am not positive how to add another user but as a CC, or if I just
have to add addl users on the same line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
becuase we have a custom form created, and when they click a link on that
form, it generates an email to one of our users. They would like to include
additional addresses in teh CC field. I viewed the code behind the form and
this is what I found
Sub CommandButton1_Click
set MyItem = Application.CreateItem(0)
myitem.to = " Joe Schmoe"
myitem.subject = "Bulletin Board Meeting Notice"
myitem.Body = "This is a request for the following meeting to be displayed
on the electronic bulletin board: " & chr(10) & chr(10) & " " &
userproperties.find("MeetingTitle").value & chr(10)& chr(10)& "The meeting
will be held on: " & userproperties.find("calcdate").value & " from " &
userproperties.find("calcstarttime").value & " to " &
userproperties.find("calcendtime").value & chr(10) & Chr(10) & "The meeting
location is: Conference Room " & userproperties.find("ConfRoom").value & "."
& chr(10) & chr(10) & "Please contact " &
userproperties.find("ContactPerson").value & ", " &
userproperties.find("Division").value & ", at " &
userproperties.find("ContactPhone").value & " for more information."
item.userproperties("BulletinMessageSent").value = "True"
End Sub
My guess is that the myitem.to="Joe Schmoe" is where I want to start,
however I am not positive how to add another user but as a CC, or if I just
have to add addl users on the same line.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.