Adding a column with formulas (#DIV/0!) in column and getting num



I have entries that will have numbers and entrys that will have (#DIV/0!).
I wnat to get the numbers not the (#DIV/0!). in the total box.


You should trap the #DIV/0 results in those formulae. Iso merely doing a
straightforward division, add an IF clause, to change those values to 0.

Without any data to go on, let's say you are using a formula = A1/B1. Since
both of the two may have nothing in it, and since then , or if A1 contains
nothing, your formula would result in a #DIV/0 you could do one of the


Having done that, you would not have to worry about #DIV/0's

Shane Devenshire


If you are trying to SUM a column that contains #DIV/0! errors then use the
following array formula:


To make it an array press Shift+Ctrl+Enter to enter it.

In 2007 you can use the array formula:


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