Adding a discussion board..



Please go easy on me.. !! I run a basic website which I can handle quite
well but I have been asked about a memebrs forum for the site, I ran one
using Bravenet but members told me they didn't use it because of the Add's
and Pop ups so I want to make my own using Frontpage Discussion board
wizard, Now heres my questions..

1 Can I add a discussion web to my existing site or do I have to create a
new web (? Subweb )
2 If I have to create a subweb how do I link it from my existing site ?

Any help would be most useful


Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

I just helped someone rig a "snitz" forum up for an intranet situation.
It was fairly easy to do and worked nicely with FrontPage. there are better
out there but not free. ;-)
do you know what kind of server you're on? i.e. windows or UNIX?

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

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