Adding a docked stencil to a project template



I have used VBA and automated a Visio solution which brings up a drawing
template and some custom stencils docked on a side. In the course of user
interaction, I create some more new stencils (by dropping shapes on a drawing
page and assigning custome properties from the database). Once these custom
stencils are created, I would like to add (tile or layer like other stencils)
them to the other stencils.
I use the following steps to 'Create' , 'Add' , and 'Dock' the stencil. But
it does not get arranged along with the other stencils on the left of the
template. How do I fix it? I am not very clear about the object model -
document collection, document, sheet, windows, etc. in this context. Thanks
for any suggestions.

This is the code I have:
Set rsElements = New ADODB.Recordset
Set rsElements = conn.Execute(strSelect)
Set stencil = ThisDocument.Application.Documents.Open("SampleShape.VSS")

Dim vsoDocument As Visio.Document
Set vsoDocument = Application.Documents.Add(APPLOCATION & "blank.vsd")

Set mstElement = stencil.Masters("Element") ' Get the master named "Element"
and drop that shape on the page!

'Use the records to create Element Stencil
Do Until rsElement.EOF

Set elementShape = vsoDocument.Pages(1).Drop(mstElement, x, y)
elementShape.Text = rsElements!ElementName

'Set xy position
y = (y - 1)
If (y < 1) Then
x = x + 1
y = 10
End If
'Next Element

'Save file as Element Stencil file
vsoDocument.SaveAs "ElementStencil.vss"
Application.Documents.AddEx "ElementStencil.vss", visMSDefault, visAddDocked
+ visAddStencil


Please, try SaveAsEx method,
Document.SaveAsEx FileName, &H2
and open the saved drawing again.


The 'SaveAsEx' followes by 'open' did not work either as the saved stencil
did not display like a regular stencil though it behaved like one. The
stencil displayed the masters on the drawing page.

I found something which solves this. Create a stencil by Dropping shapes
onto a new stencil opened using AddEx("vss", 0, visAddDocked) and do a
'SaveAsEx "StencilName.vss", visAddDocked.

I am not sure if there is some problem with this approach of creating
stencils because twice in this usergroup I was advised to create stencils by
dropping shapes on a Drawing page and saving it as Stencil. So far the
stencil works fine. Any feedback appreciated.



Sorry, my explanation was insufficient.
If the current drawing is saved by
SaveAsEx visSaveAsWS (or &H2),
docked stencils are saved with the drawing,
for example,
ThisDocument.SaveAsEx Name.vsd, visSaveAsWS .


made a simple skelton.

Sub test()
Dim Stn As Visio.Document
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\Mary\My Documents\"
Set Stn = ThisDocument.Application.Documents.AddEx("vss", visMSMetric,
Stn.SaveAs strPath & "NewStencil.vss"
ThisDocument.SaveAsEx strPath & "NewDrawing.vsd", visSaveAsWS
End Sub

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