Adding a "Entire Field Avg" to a query/report



I have a database of crop production information for farm fields. I am
working on creating a query/report that shows all of the farm fields with
their avg. yields and sum of acres within each farm field. I would like to
add an "Entire Group" column into the query/report so that I can also display
the average yield and total acres for all of the fields combined. Is this


Al Camp

Does one FarmName have more than one FarmField associated with it. I'm
assuming so...
So, your report will be grouped by FarmName, and list each associated
FarmField with Acreage and Yield.
Individual FarmName totals can be calculated in the FarmName Footer by
Sum(Acreage) and Avg(Yield)

Use the ReportFooter to Sum(Acreage) for all FarmNames, and the
Avg(Yield) for all FarmNames. That in itself is the equivalent of "All

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