Adding a footnote to page with columns, Word 2002


Ray K

I have an 18-page, 8.5x11" document. I want to add a asterisk footnote
to page 8, which is structured like this, top to bottom:

1. One line of single-column text
2. A Section Break (Continuous)
3. Several lines of 3-column text
4. A Section Break (Continuous)
5. Four lines of single-column text (the footnote reference is at the
end of the first of these lines)
6. A Section Break (Continuous)
7. Many lines of 3-column text that start about 1/3 of the way down the
page and flow over to several following pages.

All the columns were formed by using the Column icon on the toolbar.

Both approaches I've tried have problems.

A) I place the insertion point where I want the reference, then go to
Insert/Reference/Footnote/Custom and select an asterisk Symbol. Once I
click on Insert, the columns that had appeared at the bottom 2/3 of
page 8 now start at the top of page 9, as though I had inserted a Page
Break, even though none shows up. The lower 2/3 of page 8 is now blank,
except for the rule line near the bottom just above where the footnote
is typed. Anyone know why the columns move to the top of the next page?

(As a separate problem, I can't get rid of that rule line except by
using the Undo command. I can't highlight it to Delete it.)

B) I also tried typing the footnote directly into the footer. First I
got rid of Same As Previous on page 8 and 9. Then I typed the footnote,
justifying it to the side opposite the page number (Outside page
numbering). The footnote stay confined just to page 8, as desired, but
the page numbering after that was screwed up. They shifted from Outside
to Right, and the numbers weren't consecutive from page 8, even though
Continue from previous was selected. I worked around by putting the
insertion point in page 9 and using Insert/Page number, but the count
was off. For example, to start the number as page 9 I had to enter 8 in
the Start At box. Why the odd pagination problems of shifting from
Outside to Right alignment, a break in the sequence, and having to enter
one number lower that I want?



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