Ok, if you are opening the site via a drive letter, then you are not using the FP extensions, if
they are installed. The extensions must be installed and you must access the site via http to
on it and to view it for any of the FP run-time features/functions to work.
Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
A drive letter
Thanks and God bless you and yours,
When you open the site in FP, are you opening it via http or a drive letter?
Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
I saved the page and that usually is all I need to do. Then it shows up on
the intranet and I verify that it really is working by asking others to view
it from their computers. (Sometimes I can view things others can't because
the files are on my computer).
Thanks and God bless you and yours,
Did you http publish the web to the remote server that has FrontPage server
extensions installed?
Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| I'm playing around with adding a hit counter to my intranet site on a page
| that opens in a new window. I did everything FP Help said to do to set it
| but the image is still the [HitCounter] image. The numbers do not show
| Is this because it is not part of the main website or did I screw
| up?
| --
| Thanks and God bless you and yours,
| Gabriella777_2