My instructions in the post to which I referred , were very Step-by-Step -
if any of them are unclear then the way to deal with this in a newsgroup is
to say, "I don't understand the bit where you say..." or "Where is the
Properties box which you mentioned in your post?". That way, if I have been
unclear, then not only will you be able to take advantage of the explanation
but so will anyone else who wants to do the same thing whilst I will learn
how to express myself more clearly.
The fact that your clip is currently in Word, doesn't usually mean that it
can't be copied and pasted into IrfanView (as I stated in the post I
mentioned) and saved as a jpg. If the logo was created from Word Art or
Autoshapes then it will, admittedly have a white surround but this would
only be a problem if you wanted to print on coloured paper.
A search in Google Groups "Adding Graphics to a Report" (in quote marks)
puts my thread right at the top of the page.
It is possible that you don't realize that asking someone to send you a
private email isn't entirely appropriate in newsgroups which are there to
allow us to learn from each other. It would be like asking a lawyer to give
you private, but free, legal advice.