Adding a menu item to the VBA Editor




I am working in Access 2003 and trying to add some new functions to the VBA
editor. I followed the instructions given at and the examples worked well.

Then I started to modify them to insert lines of code into modules. Whilst
the insertion works, it only works once, and then the new menu item just
does nothing and I have to recreate it, calling 'AddNewMenuItems' directly,
I even tried calling this sub from the module that inserts lines, but that
didn't seem to work either . Any clues what is happening and how I get
around the problem?


The code is:

One module:

Public ID As Integer
Public MnuEvt As VBECmdHandler
Public CmdItem As CommandBarControl
Public EvtHandlers As New Collection

Sub AddNewMenuItems()

While EvtHandlers.Count > 0
EvtHandlers.Remove 1

With Application.VBE.CommandBars("MEnu Bar")
Set CmdItem = .Controls.Add
ID = CmdItem.ID
CmdItem.Caption = "Tra&p Errors"
CmdItem.BeginGroup = True
CmdItem.OnAction = "InsCodeLines"
CmdItem.Style = msoButtonCaption
Set MnuEvt = New VBECmdHandler

Set MnuEvt.EvtHandler = Application.VBE.Events.CommandBarEvents(CmdItem)
EvtHandlers.Add MnuEvt
End With

End Sub

Sub InsCodeLines()

Dim lngLine As Long
Dim strProcName As String
Dim lngBody As Long

VBE.ActiveCodePane.GetSelection lngLine, 1, lngLine, 1000
strProcName = VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.ProcOfLine(lngLine,
lngBody = VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.ProcBodyLine(strProcName,

VBE.ActiveCodePane.CodeModule.InsertLines lngLine + 1, "'Insert this text"

And one Class Module called VBECmdHandler

Public WithEvents EvtHandler As VBIDE.CommandBarEvents

Private Sub EvtHandler_Click(ByVal CommandBarControl As Object, _
Handled As Boolean, CancelDefault As Boolean)

On Error Resume Next

' Run the code specified in the object's OnAction property.
Application.Run CommandBarControl.OnAction

' Indicate to the Events object that we've successfully handled the event.
Handled = True
CancelDefault = True

End Sub

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