Adding a Meta Variavble



When i right click on Page Properties and go to Custom, and then to User
Variables, it asks for a Name and Value. The Name should be the Keyword that
you want as your Meta Tag, right? What is the Value for? Can a word or phrase
go in here? How many variables can you enter? Thanks.


The name is the name of the meta variable - in your case it would be
"keywords". The value is the variable that contains all the keywords.
Enter as many as you like.


Thank you for your reply. I added a few variables, and then looked at the
code. It looked like this:
<meta name="keywords" content="sales">
<meta name="keywords" content="selling">

Is there an easier way to do this? Can it be this way, for example, and
accomplish the same thing?:<meta name="keywords" content="sales, selling,
business, income">

David Baxter

No, it shouldn't be that way. It should look like this:

<meta name="keywords" content="sales, selling">

except use phrases as much as possible rather than single words. Not a
very important meta tag any more but for the few (if any) search engines
still using it might as well do it right.

More important is <title>insert your most important search terms
and <meta name="description" content="add some descriptive key phrases

Andrew Murray

for example

the "name" could be KEYWORDS and the value could be "cat, dog, giraffe, donkey,
which (when you look at the code) will come up in the HEAD section. as the

Andrew Murray

yes, just add the keywords to the same field, separated with commas.

there are probably hundreds of "metas"
including "generator" for which the value is "Frontpage X" (where X is the
version e.g. 4.0, 5.0 6.0 etc).

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