Mark Hammans
In VC++ 6
I want to add a button with an icon and a drop button, similar to the 'New'
I see from the documentation that I need to make this a CommandBarPopup
When I try and 'Add' this to my CommandBar I get an exception. If I change
it to one of the 'standard' types of buttons I get no problem.
Is it possible to add a control of type 13 (msoControlSplitButtonPopup) or
is that reserved for Microsoft ?
I want to add a button with an icon and a drop button, similar to the 'New'
I see from the documentation that I need to make this a CommandBarPopup
When I try and 'Add' this to my CommandBar I get an exception. If I change
it to one of the 'standard' types of buttons I get no problem.
Is it possible to add a control of type 13 (msoControlSplitButtonPopup) or
is that reserved for Microsoft ?