Adding a serial number to a form



I am printing single page Encounter Forms for a medical office and want each
form to have a unique serial number. I'd appreciate advice (or KB reference)
how to do this. One method might be to place the page number where I want the
serial number to appear. I would need code to retrieve the last used number
from somewhere and then set the "starting [page] number" to n+1. Finally,
write the last number used back to where I got it from. If that will work,
can someone help me with some of this code?
Thank you.


Thank you Jonathan; that's a start. However, the "Encounter Forms" will be
produced as a mail merge run where each page is a new form. Each page has to
increase the s/n by 1. If the first [single page] form has s/n 1, then the
next must have 2, etc. That is why I thought to use the page number field,
and use the number I retrieve from Settings.Txt to set the starting page
number. At the end of the run, I'd have to know how many pages were printed
(n+totalpages) and write this back to Settings.Txt. Any further thoughts?

Jonathan West said:
Hi Richard

Take a look here

Creating sequentially numbered documents (such as invoices)

Jonathan West - Word MVP
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richardb said:
I am printing single page Encounter Forms for a medical office and want
form to have a unique serial number. I'd appreciate advice (or KB
how to do this. One method might be to place the page number where I want
serial number to appear. I would need code to retrieve the last used
from somewhere and then set the "starting [page] number" to n+1. Finally,
write the last number used back to where I got it from. If that will work,
can someone help me with some of this code?
Thank you.

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