I've built a signature that's made up of a GIF file.
The signature is both for new E-Mails and Reply E-Mails.
The problem is that when I try replying to certain E-Mails, I either get a
red "X" insted of the GIF, or even worse, I get a message stating that the
signature can not be found.
What can I do to remedy this? I'm using Outlook 2003.
I've built a signature that's made up of a GIF file.
The signature is both for new E-Mails and Reply E-Mails.
The problem is that when I try replying to certain E-Mails, I either get a
red "X" insted of the GIF, or even worse, I get a message stating that the
signature can not be found.
What can I do to remedy this? I'm using Outlook 2003.