Adding a week dimension


Mike G.

I know this has been posted before, but I haven't found a clear answer. All
I'm trying to do is add a week dimension to the olap cube, so that in a
Portfolio Analyzer view a user could drill down from years to weeks (or even
just view weeks, without drilling down). I have looked at the OLAP
extensions starter, as well as the whitepaper by Bob Segrest, but they focus
on adding and processing an additional cube. Certainly I don't need to do
that, do I? Shouldn't I be able to just add an additional dimension to the
existing cube?

So far:
1. I added a new level to the time shared dimension. That worked. Except: it
disappeared after processing the cube from Project Web Access. I've seen
posts that hinted at being able to keep custom levels, but not step-by-step

2. I added a new dimension to MSP_ASSN_FACT. I created the
MSPOLAPBREAKOUT.dll and implemented the UserStagingTablesUpdate function.
That worked...the first time. If additional data is added to project server
and the cube is reprocessed, the staging tables will have the correct data,
but that data is not reflected in the cube. Most of the examples show the
UserOLAPUpdate function rebuilding custom cubes. However, I am not building
a cube, just a dimension in an existing cube. Do I still need to implement
that function? If so, does anyone have an example?




Hi Mike,

I've been studying Portfolio Analyzer extensions, and I have a lot of
question too. So, let's see if we can find an an answer together. For the
time of your question, probably you've already found a solution. Anyway, as
far as know, you must implement UserOLAPUpdate so Project Server is able to
update your dimension definition at the same time it updates the default
cubes. If you've altered your cube definition, Project Server "will not
know", unless you implement UserOLAPUpdate.
Let me know if have additional comments.

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