adding an email link



hi everyone
can someone please help me after many very frustrating hours i have managed
to post a web site but cant work out how to put an email link on the site for
people to click on iam using pub. 2003

Don Schmidt

Here's one way I use using Publisher 2000 for my website.


John Doe

With you mouse, capture John Doe and then select Insert menu, Hyperlink fill
in your email address and OK.

John Doe will now be blue with underscore.

After you upload the site you will be able to click on John Doe and your
e-mail program will startup ready to create an email.

Or you can end a paragraph with, "You can contact me here." Use the word
here for the link.

Another thing you can do with the link is when writing the email address,
continue it with ?Subject= In regard to my website.

The address will look like this (e-mail address removed)?Subject=In regard to my


From Publisher Help under hyperlinks:

Create a hyperlink to an e-mail address:

Select either text or a picture.
Click Insert Hyperlink .
Under Link to, click E-mail Address.
Either type the e-mail address you want in the E-mail address box, or select
an e-mail address from the Recently used e-mail addresses box.
In the Subject box, type the subject of the e-mail message.


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