Brent Burkart
I am trying to add an icon button menu item to the standard toolbar. I have
found ways to add a menu to other controls. Has anyone done this? Here is
a snippet of my code.
Dim objButton As CommandBarButton
Set objButton = CommandBars(1).Controls("Standard").Add(msoControlButton,
, , , True)
With objButton
.Caption = "Test Toolbar"
.Tag = "Personal button"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.OnAction = MenuItemMacro
End With
found ways to add a menu to other controls. Has anyone done this? Here is
a snippet of my code.
Dim objButton As CommandBarButton
Set objButton = CommandBars(1).Controls("Standard").Add(msoControlButton,
, , , True)
With objButton
.Caption = "Test Toolbar"
.Tag = "Personal button"
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.OnAction = MenuItemMacro
End With