Adding autotex to a template



I have a letter template macro as a form chooser and I would like to add
various autotext in a list so that they can be added to the address bookmark
in the template. Is there a way or would I have to add each company name to
a module as an additem and then put the addresses in a macro in the form
chooser? If there is a better way which will pick up the autotex which are
contained in a global template in startup then that would be great as then I
wouldn't have to add a new macro every time someone requires a new address
adding to the list.

Many thanks

Jonathan West

Addy said:
I have a letter template macro as a form chooser and I would like to add
various autotext in a list so that they can be added to the address
in the template. Is there a way or would I have to add each company name
a module as an additem and then put the addresses in a macro in the form
chooser? If there is a better way which will pick up the autotex which
contained in a global template in startup then that would be great as then
wouldn't have to add a new macro every time someone requires a new address
adding to the list.

In VBA, you can create a loop to iterate through the AutotextEntries
collection of any Template object, get the Name property of each
AutoTextEntry in turn and use Additem to add that to the listbox in your
form. Something like this

Dim oTemplate As Template
Dim oAuto as AutotextEntry
Set oTemplate = Addins("My Global")
For Each oAuto in oTemplate.AutoTextEntries
ListBox1.AddItem oAuto.Name
Next oAuto

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition


I tried the below but it doesn't seem to work. Please could you let me know
what I am doing wrong.

The below bit I put in my form chooser:-

Dim oTemplate As Template
Dim oAuto As AutoTextEntry

Set oTemplate = AddIns("")

The below was put in a new module:-

With frmChooser 'frmchooser is my form (a letter template)

For Each oAuto In oTemplate.AutoTextEntries
CBOAddress.AddItem oAuto.Name
Next oAuto
End With

Anyone any ideas please


Jonathan West

Hi Addy

This line is wrong

CBOAddress.AddItem oAuto.Name

Its should be this

.CBOAddress.AddItem oAuto.Name

Note the extra period at the start of the line. That is what links it to the
"With frmChooser" statement

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition


Many thanks. I've changed that but now it doesn't like this line:

For Each oAuto In oTemplate.AutoTextEntries

When I hover over oAuto it says its empty


Jonathan West

Addy said:
Many thanks. I've changed that but now it doesn't like this line:

For Each oAuto In oTemplate.AutoTextEntries

When I hover over oAuto it says its empty


step the through the code. After you get to this line

Set oTemplate = AddIns("")

check whether oTemplate is actually assigned to anything. If it isn't, then
you need to fix that object assignment.

If it is correctly assigned, then check the value of
oTemplate.AutoTextEntries.Count. If it is zero, then oTemplate doesn't have
any autotext entries in it.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition


I've managed to get my otemplate to be assigned to but it says my
oauto is empty and I don't know why because there are autotext enteries in This is what I've got so far:-

These are both in my form chooser:-

Dim oTemplate As Template
Dim oAuto As AutoTextEntry

The below are in a separate module:-

With frmChooser 'frmchooser is my form (a letter template)

Set oTemplate = AddIns("o:\msoffice97\winword\startup\")
Set oAuto = AutoTextEntry (put this in entra as it wouldn't work)

For Each oAuto In oTemplate.AutoTextEntries
.CBOAddress.AddItem oAuto.Name
Next oAuto
End With

Do you have an e-mail address that I could maybe sent my whole document to
you on to find out where I'm going wrong as it is a long and complex form


Jonathan West

Addy said:
I've managed to get my otemplate to be assigned to but it says
oauto is empty and I don't know why because there are autotext enteries in This is what I've got so far:-

These are both in my form chooser:-

Dim oTemplate As Template
Dim oAuto As AutoTextEntry

The below are in a separate module:-

With frmChooser 'frmchooser is my form (a letter template)

Set oTemplate = AddIns("o:\msoffice97\winword\startup\")
Set oAuto = AutoTextEntry (put this in entra as it wouldn't work)

For Each oAuto In oTemplate.AutoTextEntries
.CBOAddress.AddItem oAuto.Name
Next oAuto
End With

Do you have an e-mail address that I could maybe sent my whole document to
you on to find out where I'm going wrong as it is a long and complex form

OK send it to (e-mail address removed). I might not have time to look before I go on
holiday this weekend for a fortnight, but I'll see what i can do.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition


Sorry to nag but I just want to get this off my mind - but did you managed to
look at my e-mail with attachments I sent to your colleague. Sorry to send
it to work but your e-mail address wasn't complete.

Many thanks for your help



Sorry to nag but I just want to get this off my mind - but did you managed to
look at my e-mail with attachments I sent to your colleague. Sorry to send
it to work but your e-mail address wasn't complete.

Many thanks for your help



Sorry to nag but I just want to get this off my mind - but did you managed to
look at my e-mail with attachments I sent to your colleague. Sorry to send
it to work but your e-mail address wasn't complete.

Many thanks for your help


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