Adding cells in data range at random to determine a given number



Is there any macro or script that can be run in Excel that allows you to add
random cells to determine a fixed number? For example, a simple data range
in a column could be as follows:


and I want to know which cells equal '8' - the script will then add cells in
a sequenced order e.g. 1+3, 1+5, 1+7 ... 3+1, 3+5 .... 1+3+5, 1+3+7 etc.
until it finds the right answer, or a selection of answers (e.g. in my
example above, it could be 1+7 & 5+3).

I'm aware that this will be very processor intensive and will probably take
a long time to run, but is this possible and has a macro / script already
been written that I can purchase / use?

Thanks in advance!


This code works. these two line change to get diffferent results
Data = Array(1, 3, 6, 8)
FindTotal = 12

I didn't know hwre you data originated so Isimple put the values in an array.

code start below here

Public Data
Public RowCount
Public TempArray(100)
Public FindTotal
Public DataLen
Sub gettcombinations()
Dim Level As Variant
Dim CountDigits As Integer

Data = Array(1, 3, 6, 8)
FindTotal = 12

DataLen = UBound(Data) + 1
RowCount = 1

For CountDigits = 1 To (DataLen + 1)
Level = 1
Call RecursiveAdd(Level, CountDigits)
Next CountDigits
End Sub

Sub RecursiveAdd(Level, CountDigits)
Dim count As Integer
For count = 1 To DataLen
'check to see if number already in array
'temp array contains the index of tthe array
'not the actual number
Found = False
For ArrayIndex = 1 To (Level - 1)
If TempArray(ArrayIndex) = count Then
Found = True
Exit For
End If
Next ArrayIndex
If Found = False Then
TempArray(Level) = count
If Level = CountDigits Then
Total = 0
For i = 1 To Level
Total = Total + Data(TempArray(i) - 1)
Next i

If Total = FindTotal Then
For j = 1 To Level
Cells(RowCount, j) = Data(TempArray(j) - 1)
Next j

RowCount = RowCount + 1
End If
Call RecursiveAdd(Level + 1, CountDigits)
End If
End If
Next count
End Sub

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