Adding class from MFC typelib MSWord olb file difference in wrapper class names???




I am adding one class from typelib msword.olb to my mfc project
The class name generated is like,

// Machine generated IDispatch wrapper class(es) created with Add Class
from Typelib Wizard

// CTextInput wrapper class

class CTextInput : public COleDispatchDriver

However, I have one more project in which the class names are,

// Machine generated IDispatch wrapper class(es) created with Add Class
from Typelib Wizard

#pragma once

// CWordApp wrapper class

class CMSWordApp : public COleDispatchDriver

Why is the difference in names of classes ??????
CMSWordApp & CTextInput

I am adding the Word automation typelib .olb file from Office 2003.

Kindly help.

Thanks in advance,

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