Adding conversations to MS Outlook


Jagged Kiwi

I use Outlook extensively. Soe does everyone in our organisation. however
there is one glaring ommision from Outlook.

The ability to make conversations out of multiple e-mails. Google has
introduced this feature and it is a Godsend.

We need the same for outlook. A way of connecting e-mails. for example:

An option where you can link an e-mail to others with the same subject
keywords, from the same people etc. I want to have a bird's eye view of all
of the conversations going on that i am involved with, so i can keep up on
the issues brought up in the e-mails

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Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Jagged Kiwi said:
I use Outlook extensively. Soe does everyone in our organisation.
however there is one glaring ommision from Outlook.

The ability to make conversations out of multiple e-mails. Google has
introduced this feature and it is a Godsend.

We need the same for outlook. A way of connecting e-mails. for

An option where you can link an e-mail to others with the same subject
keywords, from the same people etc. I want to have a bird's eye view
of all of the conversations going on that i am involved with, so i
can keep up on the issues brought up in the e-mails

Hi - when you post in here, always include your version, SP level, and mode
(if applicable) of Outlook - you can find this information in Help | About.
Also include the type of mail account(s) you use and any other pertinent

If you use OL2003, you can make use of Search Folders - very very powerful;
you can query multiple folders for messages meeting certain criteria, and
display them in a single view.

Older versions of Outlook don't have this feature and you'd need to use Find
(but note that you can't include multiple public folders if you use

Also look at Journaling - I personally disable it as it takes up space &
resources, but you may find it useful.

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