adding custom animation to macro?


Geoff Cox


Can someone help me please!

This code creates an action button but what code would make this
button have custom animation - entrance/dissolve?

Thanks a lot


ActiveWindow.Selection.SlideRange.Shapes.AddShape _
(msoShapeActionButtonForwardorNext, 269.25, 468.5, 192.75,

With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.ActionSettings(ppMouseClick)
.Hyperlink.Address = "C:\fred\menu.ppt"
.SoundEffect.Type = ppSoundNone
.AnimateAction = msoTrue
End With

With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.ActionSettings(ppMouseOver)
.Action = ppActionNone
.SoundEffect.Type = ppSoundNone
.AnimateAction = msoFalse
End With

End Sub

Geoff Cox


Can someone help me please!

This code creates an action button but what code would make this
button have custom animation - entrance/dissolve?

Further revelation! I now read that it is NOT possible to use Macro
Record for animations in PPT 2003!!

I have tried the suggestion of turning off the new animations in
options and now get following code for animation but when I try to add
this to my code for adding buttons to multiple ppt files I keep
getting errors ... I know that I need ActivePresentation rather than
ActiveWindow but can anyone please tell me how the code should be
changed to work in this macro?



Sub newadd()
' Macro recorded 13/04/2006 by Geoff Cox

With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.AnimationSettings
.Animate = msoTrue
.EntryEffect = ppEffectDissolve
.TextLevelEffect = ppAnimateByAllLevels
.AnimateBackground = msoTrue
End With
End Sub

Geoff Cox

The latest round in this saga!

I have just found out that the Record Macro in PowerPoint 2003 will
not work with the latest animations!! I have wasted hours trying to do
just that!

I also found that you can turn off the new animations in Options and
them the Record Macro does come up with the code. I have been able to
use that to add the dissolve animation code to my macro and that works

Would be nice if the MS Record Macro team could keep up with the other



Geoff Cox

It'd be easier if you could keep all the posts in one thread - ie, as replies
to previous posts, and not repeat the same question/information in multiple


Apologies, will do so. Panic tends to set in when no responses and the
thought that perhaps older messages will get missed?

If PowerPoint 2003 had had the "intelligence" to tell me that the
Record Macro option would not provide any code for the new animations
I would not have needed to ask so many questions!

I would dearly like to get that message over to the PPT Team - is that



Geoff Cox

Given a choice, would you add dozens of really neat animation features that LOTS
of people have been clamoring for, or would you restrict the new feature set to
just what you had time and resources to implement AND keep the macro recorder up
to speed with so that the four people who use it to write code will be happy?

Easy decision, I think.


That's fair enough but they ought to make it clear what the
restrictions are on its use! The only warnng I got was when I ran the
Macro Record when I added animation to a previously created action
button and found no code in the macro!

Actually my faith in the program was so great that I didn't pick that
up straight away - thinking it must be my fault!



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