Adding data from a field to a Textbox


First Project

I would like to keep a "running list" in a textbox of the
data the user is using. Example: A table has 100 records,
the user looks up a field in record 33, 45, 66 and 77.
Chances are, the user will need to access those records
again. If I have a textbox listing all the data they have
already accessed, they wont have to type them again, only
look in the textbox. Any help would be appreciated.


First Project

I used the wizard on the command button, assigned
the "Find Record", it worked perfectly. I have'nt even
began to use queries, don't know how :(

Rebecca Riordan

Well, what I think I'd do is create a table that has, say, a user id, the pk
of the table being queried, and some combination of fields from the table
that will make sense to the user. Then, every time the user queried the
initial table, I'd add a record to the "records queried" table. You'll have
to write some code to do that. Then you can base a combo box on a query
that selects the records the user has queried in the past.

Perfectly possible, but probably non-trivial if you're a beginner. Feel up
to a challenge? <eg>


Rebecca Riordan, MVP

Designing Relational Database Systems
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Programming Step by Step
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