adding datasource to existing schema


Charlie Genge

I'm trying to add some fields (nodes) from an XML file to my existing form
so that when completing the form, I can merge in some values from an existing
xml file.
When I try to add the fields to my existing schema, from InfoPath (without
any code) I get a message which says "The XML Schema or XML document cannot
be used because InfoPath does not support adding complete XML Schemas without
a target namespace, or XML documents without an explicit namespace.
To use this file in InfoPath, add a target or default namespace"
What do I need to do to the XML file in order for it to be added?

Larry Spencer

From the error message, I infer that you're adding a "complete XML
Schema" to your form. Does the schema you're adding specify a target

If not, check out to learn how to
add a namespace. It contains a thorough but readable discussion of
namespaces, both in schemas and documents, along with examples.

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