I am attempting to make a table with 5 years of date on it
When i add Date2 field i get nothing
It runs fine with only date and week field
wanting to make
date = Monday
Date2= Tuesday
Date3= Wednesday
Date 5 =Friday
Any help is appreciated
Thank you
Public Sub MakeTable()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim td As DAO.TableDef
Dim fd As DAO.Field
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim dtmdate As Date
Set db = CurrentDb()
' Create a new table
Set td = db.CreateTableDef("tblWeek1")
' Create a new field
Set fd = New DAO.Field
fd.Name = "Date"
fd.Type = dbDate
' Add the field to the table
td.Fields.Append fd
' Create a new field
Set fd = New DAO.Field
fd.Name = "Date2"
fd.Type = dbDate
' Add the field to the table
td.Fields.Append fd
' Create a new field
Set fd = New DAO.Field
fd.Name = "WeekNo"
fd.Type = dbText
' Add the field to the table
td.Fields.Append fd
' Add the table to the database
db.TableDefs.Append td
' Open the table
Set rs = td.OpenRecordset
' Add dates and weekno
For dtmdate = #10/24/2005# To #12/31/2010# Step 7
rs!Date = dtmdate
rs!Date1 = dtmdate+1
rs!WeekNo = Year(dtmdate) Mod 10 & Right("0" & Format(dtmdate,
"ww"), 2)
End Sub
When i add Date2 field i get nothing
It runs fine with only date and week field
wanting to make
date = Monday
Date2= Tuesday
Date3= Wednesday
Date 5 =Friday
Any help is appreciated
Thank you
Public Sub MakeTable()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim td As DAO.TableDef
Dim fd As DAO.Field
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim dtmdate As Date
Set db = CurrentDb()
' Create a new table
Set td = db.CreateTableDef("tblWeek1")
' Create a new field
Set fd = New DAO.Field
fd.Name = "Date"
fd.Type = dbDate
' Add the field to the table
td.Fields.Append fd
' Create a new field
Set fd = New DAO.Field
fd.Name = "Date2"
fd.Type = dbDate
' Add the field to the table
td.Fields.Append fd
' Create a new field
Set fd = New DAO.Field
fd.Name = "WeekNo"
fd.Type = dbText
' Add the field to the table
td.Fields.Append fd
' Add the table to the database
db.TableDefs.Append td
' Open the table
Set rs = td.OpenRecordset
' Add dates and weekno
For dtmdate = #10/24/2005# To #12/31/2010# Step 7
rs!Date = dtmdate
rs!Date1 = dtmdate+1
rs!WeekNo = Year(dtmdate) Mod 10 & Right("0" & Format(dtmdate,
"ww"), 2)
End Sub