Adding emails as attachments.



Can somebody please advise where I am going wrong with this simple proceedure.

I have to send a company copies of various emails I have received . I
decided to create a new folder on my desktop and "save as" the edited emails
to this folder. I then composed a new email to the company concerned and
tried to add the folder as anattachment.

Unfortunately everytime I selected "add" i got the following message.
"Entourage cannot attach item "xxx". Aladin Systems Stuffit software must be
installed on your computer in order to attach this item to a message".

I do have Stuffit 10 installed and have never had a problem in the past
adding any kind of attachments. Currently using OSX 10. 4. 10.

Where am I going wrong? Any help would greatly appreciated.

Jolly Roger

Unfortunately everytime I selected "add" i got the following message.
"Entourage cannot attach item "xxx". Aladin Systems Stuffit software must be
installed on your computer in order to attach this item to a message".

I do have Stuffit 10 installed and have never had a problem in the past
adding any kind of attachments. Currently using OSX 10. 4. 10.

Where am I going wrong? Any help would greatly appreciated.

Not sure why Entourage is unable to automatically stuff the folder for
you, but all you really need to do is stuff the folder manually, then
drag the stuffit archive into the email.

Diane Ross

Unfortunately everytime I selected "add" i got the following message.
"Entourage cannot attach item "xxx". Aladin Systems Stuffit software must be
installed on your computer in order to attach this item to a message".

Try creating a zip archive instead. This is included in the OS. Hold Control
key down and select "Create archive of xxx"
I do have Stuffit 10 installed and have never had a problem in the past
adding any kind of attachments. Currently using OSX 10. 4. 10.

Maybe Entourage has lost contact with Stuffit. It it located in the default
applications folder?

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

Not sure why Entourage is unable to automatically stuff the folder for
you, but all you really need to do is stuff the folder manually, then
drag the stuffit archive into the email.

Entourage was originally designed with a much older version of Stuffit than
the one available now. The Stuffit engine name (or location?) changed in an
update and broke Entourage's ability to use it.

I have a script on my script pages called 'attach zip file' that can be used
to attach multiple files in a single zip archive:


Thank you all who contributed. I think I have things now under control.

Diane. Surely if Entourage has lost contact with Stuffit it should not be
too difficult to fix in the next update!

William Smith

microwe said:
Thank you all who contributed. I think I have things now under control.

Diane. Surely if Entourage has lost contact with Stuffit it should not be
too difficult to fix in the next update!

I would bet that Microsoft will allow this to drop. Stuffit was the de
facto Mac archive/compression application for many years but with Mac OS
X 10.4, Apple's implementation of the .zip format became compatible with
the Windows .zip format. The need for Stuffit's basic capabilities is no
longer required. You only need Stuffit now for more complex things such
as segmentation and password protection.

Microsoft is currently working on Office 2008, to be released in
January, and I wouldn't be surprised that for simple file attachment
compression .zip becomes the standard.



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
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