Adding entire page of thumbnails into a document


Myrna St.George

Is there a way to add an entire page of thumbnails into a
document without opening each one individually and adding
it manually? I have literally hundreds I need to try and
get into the document I'm creating. Ideas?



seems that you could select and copy a group of these
thumbnails and then paste them into your document.

Select | Ctrl C | Ctrl V
copy paste

It occurs to me however, that you will have to go back to
each one and somehow position them within your document.
You may want to use a table for that.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you're talking about the thumbnails in My Pictures when you use Insert |
Picture | From File, this is actually possible. Select the first, then
Ctrl+click to select the additional ones you want. When you've selected them
all, click Insert. They will, however, *not* be added in the order in which
you selected them but in the order in which they appear in the dialog (which
may be what you want).

They'll be inserted at a default size of 100% or whatever (smaller) size
fits between the document margins; that is, they won't be thumbnails. To get
them approximately the same size, you'd need to use Format | Picture to set
a uniform height or width, or insert them into a table with Exact row height
(and auto resizing disabled).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Word MVP FAQ site:
Email cannot be acknowledged; please post all follow-ups to the newsgroup so
all may benefit.

Steve White

Is there a way to add an entire page of thumbnails into a
document without opening each one individually and adding
it manually? I have literally hundreds I need to try and
get into the document I'm creating. Ideas?

Do you have a copy of Photoshop? There's an option of creating pages of
thumbnails. The only drawback is the pages will need to stand alone. You
can't easily add text onto those pages themselves.


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