I'm opening up a form via vbe code on a button to datasheet view since users
can sort and this view works best for accessing this particular table's
I've searched for this in the archives on and off and haven't found anything
so far - can we can add extra interface, or whatever it would be called, to
a form in datasheet view? The best way to describe it perhaps would be that
this would then look sort of like a form with subform (though that's not
what it would be).
I'm hoping this can be done as I could then put navigational buttons to
other parts of the db then. It would make this datasheet view user-friendly
without losing the effectiveness of a table structure, while allowing user
to move in and out to other components in the db such as the switchboard,
Thanks! D
can sort and this view works best for accessing this particular table's
I've searched for this in the archives on and off and haven't found anything
so far - can we can add extra interface, or whatever it would be called, to
a form in datasheet view? The best way to describe it perhaps would be that
this would then look sort of like a form with subform (though that's not
what it would be).
I'm hoping this can be done as I could then put navigational buttons to
other parts of the db then. It would make this datasheet view user-friendly
without losing the effectiveness of a table structure, while allowing user
to move in and out to other components in the db such as the switchboard,
Thanks! D