adding flash mp3 to web page within FP 2003


Mark G.

I downloaded a few flash mp3 players that have either .fla or .swf files and
was wondering how I would add such a player into a webpage made with Front
Page 2003? Code or what? Thanks much for any input you can provide.

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

Did they come with instructions or can you give a link to the site where you
got them?

the .fla are for working in Flash so you can edit them, the .swf are for
putting in your page, it's fairly simple to put flash elements onto your
page using the FrontPage interface:
Insert/ Web Component/ Advanced/ Movie in Flash format.

but you'll probably have to do some editing (either of the .fla file or of
an external data file so it knows which songs, etc)

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Mark G.

This were ones I found after doing a search on Not all of them
came with instructions. Any other thoughts? Thanks much.

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