Hi Scott:
Bob wasn't being snarky: he was noting that Word won't do this (at least,
not 'nicely'). But Bob has afforded you the courtesy of assuming that your
requirement hasn't gone away just because Word won't do it, so he suggested
that you look for a different program.
I will make some other suggestions: I think each is an equally poor fit for
your requirement, but look them up in the Help and have a play with them.
You might be able to "make do"...
The first is Custom Document Properties. These are stored within the
document. You can have as many as you like, and they are not anchored to
text, so you can use them to store whatever you like, and give each item a
meaningful name. However, you cannot use formatting in them, and the
character set is ANSI not Unicode, so you can't use special or international
characters either.
The second is "Document Variables". These are best used for pieces of text
you do not want end users fiddling with, but need to make available to
yourself. They can be placed or retrieved only by macros. They are
designed for persistent storage of macro variables, but you can put anything
you like into them. End-users will never find them, let alone change them
on you. Like document properties, they're ANSI text only, no formatting or
funny characters.
The mechanism designed for this is AutoText. It doesn't travel with the
*Document*, it travels in the document's *Template*. Not good if you want
to email documents around the place, but fine if you want to carry text from
document to document on a single workstation.
AutoText is readily available from the user interface, and you can stick
pieces of formatted text in to it as separate pieces, then bring them out
again wherever you like.
There is also a macro named 'Spike' that automates this process by cutting
pieces of text and appending them into the autotext storage area of the
document, from which you can bring them out and paste them whenever you need
There's a really horrible kludge you can use: the Running Footer. You can
stick whatever you like in the running footer (up to a page-full!).
Formatting and Unicode are fine. It travels with the document and floats
below the text. OK for short items.
On the other hand, you may be able to accomplish what you need using
Bookmarks. When you find a bit of text in the wrong place, surround it with
a named bookmark. Then when you get to the place you need it, type a space,
then use the GoTo command to go to the bookmark. The GoTo command will
select the bookmark. Hit Cut, then Shift + F5 to skip you back where you
were, and Paste. That leaves the text where it was, out of sight until you
need it, but enables you to go and get it with a couple of keystrokes when
you want it.
Or: You can continue to do what you are currently doing, but learn to use
the Window menu to open a second wndow into the current document. Hit GoTo
End in the second window, and all your "stored stuff" is sitting there.
Come back to the main window and continue your editing. When you want to
add or subtract a bit of stored text, Ctrl + F6 to switch back and forth
between windows...
But I think what you are really looking for is "Collect and Paste". This is
implemented badly in PC Word, and not at all in Mac Word. It collects
multiple items, but they're all in the clipboard, not the document, so you
lose them when Word closes.
Hope this helps