Adding Folder options in Outlook using .NET


Ian Bishop

Hi all,

I have a problem and I wonder if anyone can help me.

Right, im using Visual Studio.NET 2003 and Outlook 2003 and am using
the Outlook PIA library to create an application which creates a
PostItem folder within outlook with a Homepage. The only problem i
have is that i cant locate a property to check the 'Show home page by
default'. I need this so that when the folder is clicked it
automatically redirects to the web page entered.

Ive looking and looking and now I have square eye syndrome, any help
would be appreciated.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

For HTML home pages use the WebViewURL, WebViewOn and WebViewAllowNavigation
properties, even with Outlook 2003. Right-click in the Object Browser and
select Show Hidden Items to see any of those properties that are normally

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