Adding hours for each area... I'm stuck!


Luna Saisho


I'm somewhat new to Access, but have made a succesful database with one
problem that I'm hoping someone can help with. I am so stuck here...

What I have is a database that stores information on our warehouse
employees. The parts that matter here are... Area - Where they worked that
day (Shipping, receiving, palletizer, depal)... Hours worked that day...
Without bogging you down with the whole thing, it is trying to find out
averages for what the employees have done. I've created a query that figures
out pretty much everything. It summarizes by each employee, but its the
summary at the end of the report with issues.

My problem is this... I want to total the hours for each of the four areas
separately, so I'd have a total of hours worked in Shipping, Palletizer, etc.
Should I do this on the Query, the report, or someplace else? I've tried
using the DSum expression, but it only seems to want to add up EVERYTHING in
the table under Shipping (the area I'm experimenting with), not just what is
displayed in the report.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm pretty desperate and pulling my hair out with
this. If I get this bit, then I'm finally done!! :)

Thank you so so much in advance,

P.S. Yes, I posted something about this earlier, but my wording, bluntly,
stunk. So I thought I'd repost it a lot clearer. I hope I did... :)

Kernow Girl

Hi Luna - how do you want your Report to display this? If you are ok with one
group and then the other, etc, the easiest way to turn on the Grouping on the
report layout and do your sums, counts, etc in the Group Footer. You can then
put the sums, counts etc in the Report Footer and get the totals.

Hope this helps -- yours Dika

Luna Saisho

Hiya! Here's how I kind of have it laid out already:

Name Shift
Date That employee's stats for the day
Area More stats :)
Totals & Averages of all entries displayed for that employee

Summary of everyone displayed, averages and totals again.

Name and Shift and the first Totals & Averages are the name group, Date,
Stats and Area are in the Detail group, and the summary of everyone is in the
report footer, to display at the end.

So all of that works great, but I found that I was using the total hours
worked, without it being in an area, which made the averages come out wrong..
They wanted that added about 3/4 through my work on it. So basically, I am
trying to get it to do this:

An employee can work in one of four areas. What I need to do is make a way
so it looks at the area, and adds hours to a variable for that area alone.
So if they work in Shipping that day, it adds to ShippingHours, at the
palletizer, PalletizerHours.

I've tried using DSum, but the total comes out many times too large.
Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm using DSum correctly, since I've found many
ways to format it here on MS' site.

Phew, long winded... I hope that makes it more understandable. :) Thank
you for your help!

Kernow Girl

Hi Luna - how have you set up the Report Grouping? It sounds like if you add
a Group Footer and put your stats there you'll get what you want. You can
have stats in both Headers and Footers, and can have layers of Groups. As you
found the stats in the Report Footer do the whole report. HTH --- Dika

Luna Saisho


Thanks for another reply. ^_^ You are so close to what I need! Just look
over there, a bit more to the right... Good. hehe

I have the group footers and such all set up and everything but one thing is
looking great, except for the thing sprung on me at the beginning of the week.

The problem is that I need to add up the hours per area the material
handlers work. So if they're in Shipping, it adds to Shipping... Palletizer
to palletizer, and so on. But the hours are in one pool, and not separated
into those catagories.

I've tried doing DSum, but after some research, I found that it computes
DSum before the grouping happens, thus giving me ALL the hours for each area,
regardless if they are shown in the report or not. Is there something
similar to DSum that will work on the grouping level?

Thank you once again! ^_^

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