adding interest to an amount


Dave B


I am currently try to calculate the interest on an amount a person owes, the
calculation works fine the first time, but i need a way of stopping it from
working till the next day for the person that has just been calculated.
Otherwise it will take the new amount and keep going, i need someway of
regulating it so that it can only used for one person once a day, and still
account for the other people owing.

Hope this is clear enough.

Thanks in advance,


PC Datasheet

If you don't store the interest owed, you won't have this problem. Interest is a
calculated value and should not be stored. Just use the interest formula where
you need it on a form or report. The interest formula includes specifying what
day you want the interest for so all you need do is supply what day you want the
interest for in your calculation.

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